We are committed to help you lead and live fully in this season -- while preparing for the next.
Kelli Martin is an affiliate consultant with Saison Consulting, LLC.
Kelli serves the Episcopal Church as a lay person at Epiphany Parish in Seattle. At Epiphany, Kelli was on the Vestry and served as Senior Warden for two consecutive years. She found joy in collaborating with clergy, tending to changing needs of the congregation and finding ideas for relationship-building of Vestry.
Currently at Epiphany, she serves as lay preacher, presider at Evensong and at the altar as Eucharistic minister. She prepares and serves meals to people in the broader community, and is a member of the pastoral care team visiting parishioners and writing them cards to honor big and little moments in their lives. What she loves about these roles is that they are conduits for deep, deep care for the people, parish and relationships in her life.
Beyond parish life, Kelli has served as a book editor for over twenty-five years. It is through editing that Kelli believes she is fulfilling one of God’s callings for her. Kelli started her publishing career at Simon & Schuster, then trained and worked as an editor at HarperCollins, Harlequin, Disney Publishing and Amazon Publishing. What Kelli loves about being a book editor are the relationships built with authors, having the chance to participate in creating a work of art and witnessing writers’ dreams come true.
Now, Kelli is a freelance editor and works on fiction and nonfiction, including books on religion and spirituality. Editing is a love of her life. That love continues within the local church.
At Epiphany, Kelli edited clergy and lay sermons, is on the sermon review team, and was a professional editor for the Diocesan Profile for the Bishop of Olympia Search. Kelli’s storytelling gifts are being able to unearth a text’s best moments, and to see and hear nuances from a person that help their story shine on the page and from the pulpit.
Kelli is a graduate of Williams College, lives in Seattle, grew up in Detroit, loves going for runs and long walks, spending time with family and close friends, and reading and watching stories that wrench her heart and put it back together again.